Back to Basics Mindfulness

Mindful Sex 1: The Basics

What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the practice of bringing our attention to the present moment in an open, non-judgmental manner. It is the skill of consciously bringing our attention to the here and now, and it is a form of meditation that can help with many day-to-day issues. Mindfulness is a skill that can be […]

Finding Help Sexual Pain

Painful Gyne Exams: First Steps to Good Care

Undergoing gynaecological exams (such as cervical screening or fertility related procedures) is commonly somewhat uncomfortable. It’s normal to feel some awkwardness or nervousness before and/or during these intimate exams. Fair enough – these are necessary but invasive procedures. And sometimes with a complete stranger. It is also common to feel some physical discomfort – the […]

Sexual Pain

Painful Sex: Empowered Help Seeking

Painful sex is incredibly distressing & confusing for those who experience it, and their partner/s. Sexual pain can be caused by a variety of medical factors, and it manifests in a variety of ways β€“ such as chronic discomfort during sex, pain upon genital touching and/or penetration, or an inability to have penetration due to intense […]